Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!!!!!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Monday, December 29, 2008

Hey EB...thanks for the 15 emails!!!  I hope I got all the pics posted, I worked like a "dog".  hehe..

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Oh boy!  I mentioned to Gunther there's a 10 month old Chihuahua puppy at the Oregon Humane Society....what do you think?  His name is Benni.  

Thursday, December 25, 2008

"Hi!  Did you have a good Christmas???  Huh, did you?  Gotta Go!  Love ya, Natalie"

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The cutest dog in the world! Otis!!!

Does a dog get any cuter?  Otis, the King of Cuteness, playing in the snow.  I might be in love!  (shhh...don't tell the cats!)

Monday, December 22, 2008

After a long day of bird watching and snow flake counting...zzzzzzzz

"How cute am I?"
"Lookie!  Another snow day!"

Stewie's garbage cans are buried.  Note:  The fence is 8ft high!

Gunther will never get the Mini out of the garage...about 3ft. high snow dune.

The empty lot, looks like another planet!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Hmm, EB sent me this pic of Egor who is up for adoption at the Oregon Humane Society. all think I need FOUR cats!  
Here's a pic from Stewie and Gunther's side lot!  ;)   This has been quite a winter storm!

Here's a shot of Stewie, Gunther and a couple friends going to the grocery store!  hehe!
View from Stewie's front porch.

From the Bird TV window...notice the bus in the background?  It's stuck.  Right after this pic a car got stuck...a nice man in a 4x4 came by and pulled them out and told them to go home!  haha!
Over on EB's side of town it's pretty snowy too!  Have you seen any polar bears yet??

Whoa!  Look at the bird feeder at EB's house!
Bird Feet.  This was from a couple days ago.

Stewie's front porch.  Stairs are under there somewhere!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

While Lucy plays with her yarn ballie....

And Honey snoozes in her cozy....

Natalie enjoys this view from the window! 

This is too much fun!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Almost Merry Christmas!!

A Christmas Story

Stewie had a scarf.  A fuzzy, squishy oh so cozy scarf.  It is snowing in Stewie's town.  She thought the scarf would be perfect for this cold weather.  Stewie found the scarf and put it on the edge of the chairs (a.k.a. scratching posts).  An hour or so later, Stewie wanted to go to the store.  "Where is my scarf?".  Stewie searched over and under and through the woods.  Suddenly, Stewie could hear the familiar snoring of Miss Natalie.  "My scarf!", Stewie cried.  Natalie didn't even open an eye, she had settled in for a long winter's nap.  "Fine!", said Stewie.  "Just keep the scarf out of the Christmas tree!"   The End.