Sleeping on top of Gunther's hand, dreaming about fresh crunchy cat food, mousies, little birdies singing in the trees, cheese burgers, booga booga-ing Honey (hehe), getting chased by Lucy, drinking water out of the water faucet, taking up the WHOLE bed. Ahhhhhh...
Oh my gosh! She's out! Now that's a tired cat! Probably having Lucy around is fun for her!
She was totally out. Her little feet were twitching even.
Dreaming of chasing Honey -- with no consequences!
Personally, I think Natalie likes the consequences. She'll booga booga Honey, Honey will most of the time stay still and stare with that "what were you thinking look" or lunge at her...which Natalie just gallops joyfully away. hahah!
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