Everyone, remember to not let your pets out where they can be hit by cars or get into yard chemicals or hurt by other animals. If you have a pet, take care of it. If you can't take care of it, take it to the Humane Society and they will find someone who can. If you cannot afford food for your pet, contact the Humane Society, they have pet food programs.
Party on, Mousie! See ya at the Rainbow Bridge!
Mousie is a great example of what happens to millions of animals every year. Be sure to try to protect your pets from this horrible death.
{P.S. May Mousie rest in peace.:[ }
At least you helped Mousie know that he was loved!
I really missed Mousie when I put food out. Sniff.
But.....another kitty is hanging around because by afternoon the food was gone! Hmmmmm....
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