Gunther was getting a shirt out of his closet and thought he could hear the chirping birds a little close. So he opened the door to the attic and there she was...a teensy sparrow sitting in the window singing her beak off! I think the song was "I was in the eaves building my nest and saw another small hole, I decided to climb through and found the biggest bird house in the land! I am queen and ruler!"
We have 3 stray cats that come by at night. One calico who is very sweet and afraid. Another long hair gray cat that is indifferent. And an orange tabby I have named Boy Cat. Boy Cat is a character. He comes and meows and sings at the back door. He wants me to come out and play. He also tried to get in! He sprays our back door. After I get back inside and doors closed, Miss Natalie is AT the door. Eyes wide and sniffing and meowing. Hmmmmmm...I think she has a crush on Boy Cat.
I'll get pictures when I can....I'm sure Boy Cat will pose!
aaahhhhhh....... kitty love.
(=^;^=) + [-^:^-] = luv
Ohh...nice cats, EB! ...Stewie
........... (look, I made a snake!). hahaha!
Wow! We have a Dr. Seuss book called "The Best Nest" It's all about birds finding a nestling place -- I'll bring it to you!
Can you try to get a picture of boy [-^;^-] on EMSU
I'll do my best. I didn't see Boy Cat the last few nights. I'll keep on the lookout this weekend. He shows up around midnight!!!
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