Here's another picture of me hanging out. What you don't see is Honey sleeping in the chair above me. She would never admit it, but I think she likes me. Of course, my trusty sidekick Natalie, is never far behind. Stewie trimmed my nails today....I wanted NOTHING to do with that. I squirmed and she tried to tell me she was the fastest nail trimmer in the West, but I wasn't in the mood. We played with the laser pointer and I got some good chases going. Natalie and I like to sit in the basement in the window well...it's up high and rumpy butt, er, uh I mean Honey can't jump that high. Talk to you all tomorrow!
What did you call Honey!?!?
I need a explanation NOW Lucy! And apologize to Honey.
Yeah Yeah! Everybody calls her rumpy butt. hahahah!
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