This is Lucy.
This is Lucy sitting on the OM stone.
This is Lucy trying to break into the fireplace.

This is Natalie and Lucy sitting in "time out".
I found Natalie on her hind legs trying to get behind the fireplace screen and then behind the board and into the fireplace. When she ran I looked in the teensy space between the fireplace and the board and two shining eyes peered back at me! LUCY!!! She ran. She was covered in ash and spider webs. Honey had a giggle fit at the two youngsters getting in trouble!
uhhh...YOUR CAT!!!!!
I think Honey put them up to that!
MY cat? hahah! Nope...still EB's cat. You must have taught her how to be wild. hahah!
Right now she is growling at Honey!
GRRRRRR!! Your self!
Lucy's hogging the blankets!
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