Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sunday Morning

Honey:  Boy that squishy food was good!  I think I'll go sit in my chewy box.
Lucy:  Grrrrrrrr!  Grrrrrrrrrrrrr!
Stewie:  Lucy!  What's the deal?
Lucy:  Grrrrrrrrr!
Honey:  Meow!
Natalie:  Uh, look guys, I think you need to figure out how to get along!
Lucy:  Grrrrrrrrrr!
Honey:  Natalie!!!  (she really did say that!)
Natalie:  Ooooh!  Lookie, a birdie outside!
Lucy:  Grrrrrrrrr!
Honey:  Grrrrrrrrrr!


Anonymous said...

Wow! Lucy needs an attitude adjustment! Maybe we'll bring Chaplin over!

EMSU said...

OMG! I don't think this house can take another cat! hahahah! Lucy put Natalie under the futon this morning! It was wild!

Anonymous said...

Lucy misses us and our calm home! Chaplin ignored her most of the time so maybe she thought she was incharge.

EMSU said...

Right now Gunther and Lucy are downloading 70's songs on iTunes. hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Oh! Lucy loves 70's songs!